Partner description: Association EVE, Strasbourg, France

EVE association was created in 1990 to promote organized cervical cancer screening in the department of Bas-Rhin (France).
Ten years later, in 2001, EVE campaign was extended to the department of Haut-Rhin and is now concerning the whole Alsace Region.

·    Non-profit-making association.
·    Board of directors includes 20 to 30 members elected for 9 years.
·    Financial partners : state, social security, regional councils, research institutes.

Project Co-ordinators
·    Professor P. Dellenbach (President),
·    Professor J-J. Baldauf (scientific adviser),
·    Doctor M. Fender (medical coordinator).

Association EVE
3 Place du Cygne
Tel.: (33)
Fax: (33)
E-mail :

·    Reduce incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in Alsace.
·    Demonstrate possibility of organized screening based on existing medical facilities (Private and Public gynaecologists, general practitioners, all cytopathology laboratories).
·    Evaluate the campaign with collaboration of the population-based cancer register.

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·    Inform 25 to 65-year-old women to improve their participation.
·    Train general practitioners to screening.
·    Organize quality-assurance of cytology.
·    Develop and maintain a screening register of all smears done in the target population.
·    Follow-up of abnormal smears.
·    Monitoring and evaluation.

The Association EVE has been a partner in the European Cervical Cancer Network since 1993. 2 studies are on-going/planned within the Network activities of this partner:
·    Evaluation of the Thin layer technique as a common practise within the framework of the EVE campaign.
·    Long term survey of ASCUS, AGUS and immature metaplasia.

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