VideoCom Activities

3rd VideoCom Review in Brussels on 23. May 2002

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from left to right: Josef Thiermeyer (NTS, Munich, Project manager), Dipl.-Ing. Anda Pfleger, Dr. Silvia Pfleger (Expertise, Munich), Dr. Hans-Jürgen Pohle (SWS Tumorcentre Zwickau) and Dr. João Gonçalves (Joint Reserach Centre of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy) at the 3rd VideoCom review in Brussels
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Dipl.-Ing. Anda Pfleger, Josef Thiermeyer, Dr. João Gonçalves Dr. Hans-Jürgen Pohle

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2nd VideoCom Review in Zwickau on 6. December 2001

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Josef Thiermeyer (NTS, Project manager) and Prof. Dr. med. Günter Schott (SWS Tumorcentre Zwickau) at 2nd VideoCom review in Zwickau
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Dr. Katrin Langel performing microscopy work Dr. Jörg Langel using the VideoCom system with the Access Pad
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Prof. Dr. med. Günter Schott and Dipl.-Ing. Volkhard Wulff Dr. H.-J. Pohle and K.D. Rudolph evaluating the collected opinions of 25 medical doctors from 10 hospitals about the VideoCom workplace

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Review location:

how to get there by train

SWS Tumorcentre Zwickau e.V.
(located at "Heinrich-Braun" hospital)
Karl-Keil-Str. 35
D-08060 Zwickau

Hotel: Holiday-Inn Zwickau
  9:00 - 10:00 Project progress (by J. Thiermeyer)
10:00 - 11:00 Up-dated Market Survey (by J. Gonçalves)
VideoCom workplace prototype (by S. Pfleger)
Usability of the VideoCom User Interface (by H.-J. Pohle)
11:00 - 12:00 Videoconference of 3 hospitals (by Prof. G. Schott)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:00 Discussions with Reviewers and Conclusions

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Exhibition displays

The prototype of the VideoCom product "Access Pad" was presented at the SYSTEMS 2001 in Munich from 15. to 19. October 2001. The VideoCom medical workplace was presented at the industry exhibition at the 16th Int. Training Conference on Clinical Cytology in Munich on 30. November 2001 to 500 participants from the medical field.

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Industry Exhibition (ground floor) Industry Exhibition (1st floor)
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VideoCom stand Stands at Industry Exhibition
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Presentation of VideoCom workplace Stands at Industry Exhibition

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1st VideoCom Review in Brussels on 26. June 2001

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from left to right: J. Thiermeyer (NTS, Munich), Dr. S. Pfleger (Expertise, Munich), Prof. G. Schott (SWS Tumorcentre Zwickau), Dr. J. Gonçalves (JRC, Ispra)

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