
To the JRC-ISIS website italy.gif (1252 Byte) Location: Ispra, Italy
The JRC is the research centre of the European Commission. ISIS (Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety), is one of the eight institutes of the JRC. It has a staff of 350 people.
The Joint Research Centre provides the innovative sensor and data fusion technologies for the Access Pad.
To the NTS website germany.jpg (1068 Byte) Location: Munich, Germany
NTS is a Munich based company providing videoconference and multimedia document transfer technologies. It is specialised in the construction of teleconference systems (hardware and software). It also rents teleconference rooms and communication services. This company will provide the Videoconference and Digital Object Transfer technologies, and will integrate the VideoCom workplace.
To the Expertise website germany.jpg (1068 Byte) Location: Munich, Germany
Expertise Information Systems is a technology provider in Human-Computer Interaction, and innovative information navigation practices. This company will perform the development and marketing of the Access Pad device. It will also investigate the innovative Smart Card technologies, and will integrate appropriate Smart Cart identification and authentication facilities into the Access Pad.
To the TUZ Cancer Society website germany.jpg (1068 Byte) Location: Saxony, Germany
The TUZ Cancer Society in Saxony and its 10 hospitals (Adorf, Aue, Bad Elster, Erlabrunn, Plauen, Reichenbach, Rodewisch, Schneeberg, Schöneck, Pilsen / Czech Republic) are the main users of the video communication workplace VideoCom. They will test and validate the VideoCom workplace in the real work situations in the European region Egrensis (part of the Saxony and Czech Republic).

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